Wednesday, February 1, 2012

William Montel

Montel Williams Joins Poker Training Network As a Corporate Partner - Why?
By Jim Hageman

Why in the world would a Television Super Star, Montel Williams, join Poker Training Network? What the heck is Poker Training Network anyhow? Read this piece now to discover the answers.

Montel Williams is one of the most trusted TV stars in the United States. In fact, businesses spend more than $1.3 million every week to have him promote their products. So why did he join Poker Training Network, as a part owner, instead of just continuing to collect the massive income from his TV branding activities? Read on...

He was the host of the Montel Williams show for over 17 years and interviewed over 30,000 guests. Families in the United States and families all through the world like and trust him.

Montel Williams recently talked with us about his military history. Most people don't know that Montel is one of the most decorated, peacetime Naval Lieutenants in history. He told us about how he played a lot of poker when he was in the Navy.

He said that while you're in the military, particularly when you are on a submarine or aircraft carrier, you have a lot of free time on your hands with no place to go. So, most servicemen play poker.

Well Montel Williams was very good at poker. He was winning a lot of money. In fact, a number of his friend owed him money. All was just fine until one pay day when the operations officer approached him and told him all those debts were cancelled. And, that if he sees Montel playing cards another time, he will get court marshaled.

In 2007, Montel Williams actually played in the WSOP Main Event. On day 1, he was the tournament leader for almost 10 hours. During that ten hour time period, between WSOP, ESPN, and Fox, they were sent over 17 million email messages. The messages repeatedly said, "I didn't know Montel Williams played poker."

Montel then realized that people desired to see him play poker.

He started hosting tournaments at the Golden Nugget and other casinos. He hosted sit-and-go Texas Hold 'Em tournaments with entrance fees of $1000, $5000, and $10,000. People would enter just to see him play in these tournaments.

A couple years ago, he played on the US team in the Nations Poker Cup in Whales. He played along with Chris Ferguson, Jamie Gold, Robert Williamson, and Chad Brown.

Recently, Montel Williams joined a new company, Poker Training Network, as a Corporate Partner. That means he is personally invested in the company, and is not a TV Celebrity paid to promote. (If you want to know more about Poker Training Network, in a second I'll lead you to an evaluation written on the company.)

As a Corporate Partner he made one call, why? Read on...

Montel Williams talked to us about his last journey to visit recovering soldiers at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

He talked to us about how Walter Reed Army Medical Center introduced poker to help brain trauma soldiers recover. They use it because poker analytically puts the brain back in order. It helps our soldiers do step thinking, re-socialize, and do critical thinking. They are using poker every Friday evening to treat our soldiers.

When Montel discovered more about the way poker is being implemented, he took action. He contacted the President of the USO, a $290,000,000 non-profit organization. In fact, the USO is the only foundation sanctioned by the United States Congress. The President of the United States is the honorary President of the organization. He met with the working President of the USO to chat about the Poker Training Network and Montel's personal involvement, well...

...The USO signed an agreement with Poker Training Network (PTN) to host the largest fund raising affair of the century and it's occurring first on the Internet, concluding live in Washington, DC this fall. This is the largest affair the USO has ever put on.

Senators, Congressmen, and many other prominent US officials will play in this Charity Poker Event. Plan on this being a major media focused event. USO and Poker Training Network banners will be all over the place. The Senior VP for the USO, a 3 Star General in the Air Force, will travel throughout the country with Monte Williams promoting this event. This is MASSIVE!

Montel Williams is also working on a number of huge promotional events. Hm, what will that mean for people who decide to become Poker Training Network (PTN) Members? My investigation indicated that this is truly the hottest, and only, poker network marketing opportunity in the world. That's right, they have no competition.

If you desire to find out, for yourself, what Montel Williams sees in Poker Training Network, click on this link - Poker Training Network - to read this expert review now.

William Montel